System e-government, e-Order, SMEs, JakpreneurAbstract
Study this aims for identify and understand urgency management application e-Order or online market for goods and services public for speed up SMES growth in DKI Jakarta Province. The program aims to increase growth economy and opportunity work for SMESs DKI Jakarta Province with provide marketing online. Website development is one of the political strategy and development strategy e-government national , that is implementation systematic development _ through realistic and measurable steps Government website development area is the first from four layers ( web presence , interaction , transaction and transformation / integration ) within stages development Indonesian e-government for possible Indonesian people with easy access information government area and participate in development Indonesian democracy through online media. Study this use approach qualitative through interviews and studies library, Study this showing several Thing that is first System application e-Order this is breakthrough innovative BPPBJ (Service Agency Procurement Goods and Services) Government DKI Jakarta Province Second, System Application e-Order is connecting application _ activity purchase SMES products (as supplier) with agency government province in DKI Jakarta.
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Law No. 20 of 2008 concerning Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises
Instructions President Number 3 of 2003 concerning National Development Policy and Strategy E-Government
Instructions President number 2 of 2022 About Acceleration Enhancement Use Product Domestic And Products Of Micro Enterprises, Small Enterprises, And Cooperatives In Order The success of the Proud National Movement Made in Indonesia On Execution Procurement Government goods /services
Instructions Governor Number 48 of 2020 concerning Transaction Procurement Direct With Micro and / or Small Business ( Through system e-Orders ).
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