Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction for making KTP-elAbstract
Quality Of Service In Electronic Signature Card (Ktp-El) Service In The Popula-tion And Civil Registration Of Indragiri District. This research is motivated by Analysis of ser-vice quality in the population and civil registration services of Indragiri Hilir Regency. The pur-pose of this study was to analyze the quality of services in electronic population and civil registra-tion services in the Indragiri Hilir district. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method approach. Primary data were obtained directly through interviews from key informants, namely the Head of the Population and Civil Registration Office of Indragiri Hilir Regency acting as the Head of Section in the Making of KTP-el. which runs within the scope of the organization and is included in their SOP, Implementing Officer for KTP-el Population and Civil Registration Office of Indragiri Hilir Regency. Indragiri Hiilir Regency (Petitioner) is a party who directly feels the service process in the Population and Civil Registry Office of Indragiri Hilir Regency. Second-ary data were obtained from research documents. The results showed that the analysis of human resources was known to be sufficient. The service process provided by officers is known that: The Population and Civil Registry Administration Office of Indragiri Hilir Regency has not yet ful-filled adequate service facilities such as limited service rooms. Administrative administration is still slow. This is due to the limited number of employees. Discipline of employees in carrying out their duties is still not good. There are still employees who come not on time. Still, officers were found to be less consistent in determining rest hours. Regarding the assurance dimension, it can be concluded that the guaranteed time of service and guarantee of service costs is good enough but has not provided satisfaction to the community as service users. There were cases of officers who still collected fees from the applicant. Officers who still provide services also behave unfairly and are still discriminating. Analysis of the satisfaction of the applicant / customer for the services provided by the officers is that the community is still not satisfied with the facilities at the Popula-tion and Civil Registration Administration Office of Indragiri Hilir Regency, and they also reveal the length of KTP-el that leaves them overwhelming in managing other needsReferences
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