Khairani Dewi, Zaili Rusli, Meyzi Heriyanto


the Implementation of the Cooperative Development Program at the Office of Cooperatives for Small and Medium Enterprises (Umkm). This study aims to determine the Implementation of the Cooperative Development Program by the Pekanbaru City Cooperative Office and to find out the inhibiting factors for the implementation of the Cooperative Development Program Faced by the Pekanbaru City Cooperative Office. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. Informants from Employees of Pekanbaru City Cooperative UMKM Office and Communities who have Cooperatives that are Spread in 12 Districts of Pekanbaru City. Data collection techniques by interview, observation, and documentation. All data obtained will be analyzed by the Qualitative Analysis Method. Based on research it is known that the implementation of cooperative development programs by the Department of Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Pekanbaru City has been carried out properly. But it is not optimal because there are two factors which become obstacles in the implementation of cooperative development programs faced by the Department of Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) of Pekanbaru City, namely from Internal Factors, namely: limited facilities and inadequate infrastructure, limited resources human resources (HR) coaches inadequate cooperatives, do not have standards / SOPs in the task of implementing cooperative development and from External Factors namely: lack of cooperative capital, poor cooperative management and cooperative businesses are not run professionally.


Implementation, Coaching, Cooperatives

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