Teddy Rambi, Okta Karneli, Harapan Tua R.F.S


Value For Money Concepts In Measuring Programs and Priority Activities. This study aims to find out how the Dumai City Food and Agriculture Resilience Service in 2018 runs its Priority Programs and Activities based on performance measurement using the Value for Money-based concept.This type of research is quantitative descriptive. This study attempts to describe the actual picture of the phenomenon that occurs especially the application of the Value For Money concept in measuring the priority programs and activities of Dumai City Food and Agriculture Service in 2018. The study was conducted in the Food and Agriculture Resilience Service of Dumai City in January to February of the year 2019. The population in this study were all Chairmen and Secretaries of Farmers Group assisted by Dumai City Food and Agriculture Resilience Service in 2018, amounting to 66 people from 33 farmer groups assisted by Dumai City Food and Agriculture Resilience Service in 2018. The sampling method used the census method. Data analysis techniques use the concept of value-for-money based concepts that focus on the 3E principle: Economical, Efficiency and Effectiveness.The results of the study show that all the Priority Programs and Activities carried out by the Dumai City Food and Agriculture Service during 2018 based on the results of performance measurement based on the Value For Money concept were economical in using the budget for input expenditure, efficient in producing output, and quite effective in achieving organization goals. This is supported by the high level of satisfaction of farmers as beneficiaries of the programs and activities obtained from the results of the distributed questionnaires.


measurement of public sector organizational performance, value for money, and priority programs and activities

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46730/jiana.v18i1.7918


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