leadership behavior, work motivation, performanceAbstract
Leadership Behavior, Work Motivation and Performance. The purpose of this study
was to determine and analyze the influence of leadership behavior and work motivation of school
principals with teacher performance in State Junior High Schools in Tambang District, Kampar
Regency. This research was conducted on teachers at State Junior High Schools who served in
Tambang District with a population of 262 teachers, consisting of 7 schools with a sample of 149
teachers. This research is quantitative research. Data collection techniques are interviews, and
documentation. Analysis of multiple regression data. The results showed that the leadership
behavior and work motivation of school principals had a significant effect on the performance of
teachers in state junior high schools in Tambang Subdistrict, Kampar District, with a percentage of
65.2% and the remaining 34.8% influenced by other variables not included in this regression
model. Based on linear regression Y = 62,690 + 0,131 Leadership Behavior + 0,444 Work
Motivation + e shows that the variable that most influences on teacher performance is work
motivation variable which is 60.7% and leadership behavior variable is only 57.6%.
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