Problem Implementasi Kebijakan Konservasi Sumberdaya: Kasus Kawasan Segara Anakan Cilacap Sebagai Zona Konservasi Terbatas

Paulus Israwan Setyoko, Slamet Rosyadi


with the case of issuance of Cilacap Local Government Act No. 6/2001 governing Plan ofSegara Anakan Space Administration. The issuance of this local act has a main objective tocontrol natural resource use practices by local people living in the region of Segara AnakanConservation Zone. Applying a case study, this study shows that the implementation ofconservation policy in Segara Anakan Area is far from effective in controlling exploitativeand destructive practices over Segara Anakan resources such as overfishing by apong netfishermen and land use expansion for agricultural practices and settlement purpose. Inconsequence, Segara Anakan Area as limited Conservation Zone remains under raisingpopulation pressure. Some causes of ineffective policy implementation founded in this studyare lack of policy communication, ineffective of coordination among agencies, and lack ofresource availability.

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