T. Ardi Dwisasti


Abstract: Mutations Quality Service Employees. The purpose of research is to analyze the
quality of service of a mutation in the civil service in the province of Riau. The study population
are civil servants who receive services BKPPD mutations in Riau Province, consists of 836
employees. By using the formula Slovin obtained a total sample of 90 civil servants mutations
service recipient. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires and interviews. The data
were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The study concluded that the average civil servants who
receive services mutations are less satisfied with the service BKPPD Riau province, in particular
on: the procedure, the fulfillment of technical requirements, process time, equality and justice
handling of the mutation process, competence, guarantee certainty of schedule and feeling safe.


quality of service, mutation, civilian personnel

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46730/jiana.v15i1.3878


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